
Archive for January, 2009

Sign of the economic times

January 23, 2009 Leave a comment

OK, so here’s something that I’ve noticed over the past two weeks. When I try to access LinkedIn in the evenings, I’ve been met head on with extremely long load times. That is even if I ever get a page on their site to reload.

Yeah, I’m willing to bet that everyone in the Pacific time zone is spending time after work burnishing their resume.

Heck, I just came across this list of 6 things that you shouldn’t do in a resume today. While I can see the points being made in this post, I have to say that I don’t necessarily agree wholeheartedly. There are word recognition software algorithms that are run on resumes, and while it might read as a more unique and special resume if you make the requested changes, you might miss out being picked up by the HR department’s resume scanner… Not a risk that I’m willing to take in these times.

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Long list of stats from Harpers

January 20, 2009 1 comment

I found this huge list of statistics over on the Harpers Index today. The one that stood out as the most egregious to me was the statistic on the amount of time that President GW Bush spent on vacation, or traveling to get to his vacations.

  • Portion of his (GW Bush’s) presidency he has spent at or en route to vacation spots: 1/3

That just made me sick to see. Especially in light of his comment last week where he said (I paraphrase)

“You may not have agreed with all of the decisions that I made, but you’ll have to agree that at least I had the courage to make them.”

It surprises me that he was even around enough to “make” any decisions at all. And considering that it’s his job to make decisions, I don’t really need to give him any credit at all for that. Bah. His last week being the president, and he still has the ability to make me angry.

I’m all inspired after today’s inaugural speech, so hopefully many of these negative thoughts will go by the wayside.

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